Mastering marketing across different company stages: from early growth to scale ups
Gain invaluable insights into navigating the marketing and demand generation landscape from early growth to scaling up. Discover proven strategies and tailored approaches for each stage, ensuring your marketing efforts evolve in sync with your company’s growth trajectory.

Recently, on ‘Game Changers’, Oana, the founder and CEO of, hosted an intriguing discussion with Axel, the director of Demand Generation at UpGuard, a cybersecurity Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company. Axel’s professional journey from law to marketing offered insights into how problem-solving skills and compelling copywriting are important tools in any industry.
In the discussion, Axel compared a company’s website to the ‘ultimate store front,’ highlighting the critical role websites play in contemporary marketing. The reason behind this comparison rests in his belief that just as a physical storefront has to be managed and renovated regularly, the same goes for a virtual storefront or website. The aesthetics and functionality should be reviewed continually to ensure the optimal user experience, as they are the mediums through which the products or services are displayed distinguishedly.
Another interesting topic Axel delves into is the importance of a company-wide ‘culture of experimentation’. This involves testing different marketing strategies ranging from messaging to website structure. The purpose of this approach is to diversify and find the most effective marketing path to follow. In fact, content creation is a utility that has proved highly effective for his company. Shaping the core of their marketing campaigns, content offers immense value to the increasingly discerning customer.
The conversation then shifted as Axel described his own buyer journey that commenced with him following a LinkedIn influencer whose content greatly appealed to his interests, culminating with a purchase. The trust he had in the product was driven by the value he received from the influencer’s content.
In the context of his own enterprise, Axel touched upon the strength of his marketing team, with primary focus on content creation and marketing. Axel subtly touched upon the exciting yet controversial subject of AI in content creation. He highlighted the importance of caution due to uncertainties surrounding Google’s evaluation of AI-created content.
Speaking about plans for the upcoming year, Axel accentuated the significance of optimizing websites and maximizing value delivery to potential customers. He promoted using AI with caution, systematic campaign planning, and advocating collaborations with the sales team for achieving optimal results.
Concluding the session, Axel gave pertinent advice on brand building for smaller firms. Large budgets are not a pre-requisite for effective brand-building projects. In the 2024 business landscape, tools such as websites, LinkedIn, and valuable content can contribute significantly to brand building. Axel urged small businesses to be bold and experimental with their brand development strategies. His message was clear: the tools are out there, it’s about using them with optimal creativity and impact in mind.